Veteran Born in Born 2006

Students before - engineers, academics and
ministers today in favor of a healty environment

Good to know



When do you arrive?

Please inform when do you plan to arrive and to depart and if you have a Halbtax or GA train ticket (only for Swiss) in order that we can plan excursions and food quantities.

We warmly advice you to come by train during
daylight as the travel is rather beautiful!
Good arrival time is Friday morning.



The house costs will amount to about 10 Euro per night and person. The food costs will also amount to about 15 Euro per day (without drinks), roughly. Daily excursions with cable train and similar things will amount quickly to 30-50 Euro...

As soon as possible, we will communicate you the exactly costs. Estimate with about 50 Euro for food and accomodation (without drinking!) for the whole weekend. Please bring money in small change, as depending on the activities, you should pay to the organisers.

We can provide you with cheap drinks, and you can also bring your own stuff.


Things to bring:

warm sleeping bag

winter clothes

flash light (very important for downhill of Hundwilerhöhe)

ping pong racket








November 2006 - Contact